Packaging is an integration of brand identity, product characteristics and consumer psychology. Creating a packaging is foremost the ability to tell a story. A recent vanguard of international designers is creating highly outstanding and savvy designs to complement the nature and function of a product. Editor Wendy Xu included the Atelier LaDurance Japanese Denim packaging in the publication that is about innovative packaging designs that functions beyond simply product wrappers.
The Art of Package Design, Ginko Press, United States, ISBN: 978-1-58423-434-0
Colour Party: Colour in Brand Corporate Identity 04 07 2011
Psychologists have suggested that colour impression can account for 60% of the acceptance or rejection of a product or service. As the first thing noticed and the last thing forgotten, colour is considered to be one of the most effective visual elements to identify a company or brand. Publisher Dopress Books selected 50 designers/ designfirms to show that consistent and appropriate chosen colours are important to create a strong and successful visual identity works. Amongst the contributions are the Atelier LaDurance and K Karl Lagerfeld brand identities.
Colour Party, Dopress Books, Shenyang, China, ISBN 978-988-19610-5-1 08 06 2011 / 22 06 2011 / 24 06 2011 provides news and information about the hottests retail trends, visual merchandising, furniture and branding solutions. Focussed on what’s behind the scenes and who are the people who create these experiences? Very happy to see 3 branding cases published this month on the blog of cool: Atelier LaDurance, K Karl Lagerfeld and Von Eusersdorff
Packaging the Brand 30 05 2011
Packaging the Brand digs deep by putting the subject in its specific context and perceiving it from different angles. Beautifully illustrated with casestudies that achieved a highly effective outcome through maximum creative input. Author / graphic designer Gavin Ambrose and writer Paul Harris selected the Australian Homemade chocolate packaging plus a selection of Atelier LaDurance designs. Next to wrapping paper on the inside cover pages of the book there‘s among other ALD items the ‘repair kit’. The brand’s identifyer that has been attached to every Atelier LaDurance denim product since 2002.
Packaging the Brand, AVA Publishing SA, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-2-9404111-41-2