


Boy Bastiaens & Albert Kiefer

genicap corporate identity

Corporate Identity and website for Genicap. The company that operates in the business of science and technology. Exploring the possibilities of the Superformula and development of ideas. In among others, computer science, data reduction, medical applications and graphic software, 2007 - 2008.

Genicap and the Simon Stevin Institute For Geometry are connected closely by means of the researcher Johan Gielis who holds a degree in industrial engineering with an unusual combination of specializations in plant biotechnology and mathematics.

In 1997 Mr. Gielis did a significant scientific discovery that has since been introduced as the Superformula in various scientific publications. In his report he presented a new geometrical approach for modeling and understanding various abstract, natural, and man-made shapes.

The Superformula  is a single equation which uses only a few variables to create a direct geometrical description and relation between anything and everything. As the formula can be used to describe many complex shapes and curves that are found in nature.

The GenicapLab section does research into practical applications for the Superformula. Like for example in the Supergraphx, a graphic software application that generates unique 3D shapes and creates 3D models that can reduce the size of graphic files by 1000 times.

GenicapArt is a display showcase that features various international artists who explored the possibilities of Johan Gielis' Superformula in making digital works.  A contemplative place, stored on the Genicap server, for getting inspired.

The Simon Stevin Institute For Geometry is closely related with the GenicapSpaces section. Designed as 4th member of the Genicap logo family that represent an amorphous form based upon the letter G. The founding of the institute was visualized through a variety of imagery of the logo's framework construction as a metaphore.

Very delighted with Albert Kiefer’s & Boy Bastiaens‘s corporate identity designs in general and the environmental possibilities of the Genicap logofamily in specifics, Johan Gielis approached Dutch architect Jo Coenen in 2007. This with the aim of researching the feasibility of creating an architectural structure in the shape of the logo for a possible future application. (artist impression by Albert Kiefer)

Another dimensional application of the logo was the’ logo award’, presented to Professor Bang-Yen Chen on the occasion of the first Simon Stevin Institute of Geometry prize, during RIGA 2008, an international meeting on Riemannian Geometry and Applications, organized in Brasov, Romania.               

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